This system can manage all the happenings of the Library. Hierarchical login authentication is provided for Librarian/Principal/Director.Then can login into the system and monitor the things here.
Using the system, Student/Staff can search a Book or Journal and can identify the rack number in which it is placed so that they can easily findout the book in the library.
After login the system,Librarian can register a Student or a Staff or a Publisher or a Vendor or a Book. Whenever he has identified that a book is required, then we can add the books into a new order request. Until the order is submitted to Principal,Librarian can keep on update the new order with required books. Once the order is approved, then it can be sent to the vendor. After the vendor comes with the ordered books, Book Number can be issued to the books and placed into the library.
Using the system,Librarian can issue the books to the students/staff and can track the book returns. While returning the books,late fee will be applied if applicable.
Using the system, Principal/Director can approve the orders and can see the reports on due amount , approved orders. Overall this system can be very helpful and it can makes things easier and faster.